Upcoming TV anime Pretty Boy Detective Club, the latest anime project from the Monogatari Series’ Nisio Isin, has revealed its ending theme song through a new trailer!
Titled “Beautiful Reasoning,” the song is performed by the voice actors behind the Pretty Boy Detective Club: Ayumu Murase as Manabu Sotoin, Taito Ban as Nagahiro Sakiguchi, Toshiki Masuda as Michiru Fukuroi, Shogo Yano as Hyota Ashikaga, and Gen Sato as Sosaku Yubiwa.
◤ https://twitter.com/hashtag/%E7%BE%8E%E5%B0%91%E5%B9%B4%E6%8E%A2%E5%81%B5%E5%9B%A3?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#美少年探偵団
— 西尾維新アニメプロジェクト (@nisioisin_anime) https://twitter.com/nisioisin_anime/status/1376076650715082756?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 28, 2021
「Beautiful Reasoning」
2021.4.10 より毎週土曜 深夜2:00~
ABCテレビ・テレビ朝日系列全国24局ネット(『ANiMAZiNG!!!』枠)にて放送スタートhttps://t.co/YfpMbbXcKP">https://t.co/YfpMbbXcKP https://t.co/b4Ja9M3bnZ">pic.twitter.com/b4Ja9M3bnZ
A new visual featuring Mayumi Dojima, the series protagonist, was also released.
Based on Nisio Isin's mystery light novel series, Pretty Boy Detective Club follows the titular organization, which consists of good-looking male students who solve mysteries at Yubiwa Academy.
Pretty Boy Detective Club is slated to air from April 11.
©Nisio Isin/Kodansha, Aniplex, Shaft
Adapted with permission from Anime!Anime!
from Tokyo Otaku Mode News https://ift.tt/31tKwui